Sassycurls Cornish Rex

Exquisite Cornish Rex Kittens for Sale

About Us

Sassycurls Cornish Rex is a boutique cattery located in Saint Augustine FL. At Sassycurls Cornish Rex, we are passionate about raising healthy and loving Cornish Rex kittens. Our cattery is registered with CFA and TICA, and our foundation cats come from the renowned Godspeed Cattery. We maintain a small breeding program and raise our kittens underfoot in our home with our cat-friendly rescue dogs.

Sassycurls Cattery

Newly established Cattery in 2023

Our Story

I bred and showed Japanese Bobtail cats for quite a few years during the 1990s while also serving in the active duty U.S. Navy. Over the intervening years I have been rescuing various cats and dogs. I recently returned to the Cat Fancy to work with the wonderful Cornish Rex breed.

Our Journey
Our Experience

My current breeding program is an accumulation of my years in the Cat Fancy. I also dedicate my current work with the breed as a tribute to my beautiful Rexie, my Cornish Rex pet who passed away recently at the age of 18 and took with her a piece of my heart.

"The Auntie" Godspeed Spicy Paprika

The Adult Cats

"The Original" RW SGC Godspeed Sassy Sunflower

Red and white male kitten from the litter born December 28, 2023

Black and white van pattern female kitten from the litter born December 28, 2023

Calico female kitten from the litter born December 28, 2023

The Kittens

The Cornish Rex cat is sometimes referred to as the Greyhound of the cats, because of the sleek appearance and the galloping run characteristic of the breed. The coat of a Cornish Rex is extremely fine and naturally curly. Their light coat means that they are best suited for indoor living in warm and dry conditions, as they are sensitive to low temperatures.

According to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) standard, the Cornish Rex's colour is irrelevant — therefore the cat may be any colour.

Aside from the distinctive coat, the Cornish Rex is set apart by its slender legs and tail, oval eyes, and egg shaped head.  The Cornish Rex's ears are large and wide at the base with rounded tips. The eyes are medium in size and come in all varieties of eye colour. The body is slender and muscular with small paws.

Characteristics of the Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex is a genetic mutation that originated from a litter of kittens born in the 1950s on a farm in Cornwall, UK. One of the kittens, a cream-colored male named Kallibunker, had an extremely unusual, fine and curly coat; he was the first Cornish Rex. The owner then backcrossed Kallibunker to his mother to produce two other curly-coated kittens. The male, Poldhu, sired a female called Lamorna Cove, who was later brought to America and crossed with a Siamese, giving the breed their long whippy tails and big ears.

History of the Breed

Contact Us


(707) 373-5290